okay, so i SERIOUSLY need to start blogging more frequently.
thank you, sister, for helping me realise that!!
i think i got bogged down with thinking that i had to write something profound
everytime i posted. well, if you know me well enough, then you know that that
doesn't happen all too frequently. i'm way too practical to be profound! :P
and then the other day i started to look up a recipe for some dish i'd made
awhile back, and i remembered that i'd taken a pic of it and put it up on FB.
and i thought, why don't i have some sort of food blog?? but i
obviously can't have several blogs if i have trouble keeping up with one.
THEREFORE, i have come to the conclusion that this blog is going to be all
about whatever the heck i feel like writing at the moment. how freeing!!! so
watch out. this is your warning. there could be everything from deep theology
to a quirky thought to a random recipe to all the miraculous things i see God
doing in everyday life. you just never know...;)
we'll start with something easy like chorizo. see, my fabulous husband and i
try to sit down together once a week and plan out the week's menu; it's
honestly fun and it seriously saves us heaps of money. we're all about saving
money and being wise with the resources with which the Lord has blessed us AND
all about creating good, healthy, exciting food, so it's just what we do.
anyway, there was a deal on chorizo and other spicy sausages this week, so my
smart man said that we should make this recipe we tried at a dinner party with
friends (after first eating it at our friends' cathy and gustaf's) that we just
loved. barley, chorizo, pears, red onion, balsamic vinegar...it's healthy and
the perfect blend of sweet and spicy. unfortunately i don't have a great
picture of it, but you get the idea. we generally serve it with salad greens on
the side, and this time around, we had hearty muffins with zucchini and feta
cheese to boot...nice!
this pic from www.recept.nu where
we found the recipe--mine recipe is a bit modified, of course--is much better
and enables you to get a better look :).
so, here it comes, european measurements and all. if you're
an american reading this, convert or learn the metric system. it's so much
better, simpler, smarter, and easier. enjoy!
- 150 g rökt sidfläsk, skuret i tärningar (salt
pork, chopped into small pieces)...we actually omit this ingredient. totally
unnecessary, and that's saying a lot since we love bacon so
- 3 st päron, urkärnade och klyftade (3 pears, deseeded and
sliced into wedges)
- 2 st små rödlökar, finhackad (2 small red
onions (or one large), diced)...we normally slice them into pretty strips
instead :)
- 1 msk rapsolja (1 tbsp rapeseed oil)...we normally use
olive oil
- 0.5 dl balsamvinäger (.5 dl balsamic
- 4 st chorizo (eller annan smakrik korv) (4 chorizo or
another spicy sausage, sliced into small
- 4 dl okokt matvete (uncooked
- 100 g plocksallad, till exempel ruccola, mangoldskott,
machésallad (salad greens, i.e. arugula, maché, baby
- 0.5 kruka färsk timjan, bladen plockas från
kvistarna (1/2 cup fresh thyme, leaves only)
- havssalt och
svartpeppar (sea salt and black pepper)
- ev hyvlad eller riven parmesan
(eller annan smakrik ost) (sliced parmesan or another flavourful cheese)
Gör så här
1. Stek chorizon tills de får en fin stekyta. Lägg åt
2. Koka matvetet enligt förpackningen och låt
3. Fräs rödlök och päron på svag värme i olivolja ett
par minuter. De ska inte få färg utan bara mjukna något. Salta och peppra och
slå slutligen på balsamvinägern. Låt allt koka samman i någon minut.
4. Blanda samman balsamicofräs, matvete och chorizo med
valfri plocksallad och färskplockad timjan. Smaka av med havssalt och
svartpeppar och servera eventuellt med hyvlad parmesan.
Instructions in English
1. Fry the chorizo until golden. Place to the side.
2. Cook the barley according to directions on package and
then let stand.
3. Sautée onion and pear in olive oil on medium-low heat
until soft. Add balsamic vinegar and let everything cook together a few mins
until the vinegar dissolves. Add salt and pepper if needed.
4. Blend together barley, chorizo, and the balsamic mixture
and then toss in thyme and salad--we normally serve the salad on the side to
keep things fresher just in case there are leftovers!--Add sliced parmesan.